
Faction-Specific Laws

Laws of the Scarecrow

At any of these levels of government, laws and edicts may be introduced. The laws at the higher levels are much more far reaching and lawmakers at the lower levels are not permitted to make laws which contradict the laws above them. They may, however, choose not the aggressively enforce these laws themselves and instead leave it up to the forces of those above them to enact their own enforcement.

  • Crows may not enter a field protected by a scarecrow.
  • Ravens, being similar to crows, may only enter a field protected by a scarecrow with the scarecrow's express permission.
  • All campaign promises are binding contracts. If elected, the official is responsible for following through on all promises made during their campaign.


Laws of Ozma

At any of these levels of government, laws and edicts may be introduced. The laws at the higher levels are much more far reaching and lawmakers at the lower levels are not permitted to make laws which contradict the laws above them. They may, however, choose not the aggressively enforce these laws themselves and instead leave it up to the forces of those above them to enact their own enforcement.

  • The use of Dark Magic is strictly outlawed.
  • Practitioners of Light Magic should be registered in the township, city, or county in which they reside.
  • It is unlawful to block, toll, or otherwise hinder free movement along the Yellow Brick Road.


Laws of the Civil Authority

  1. Report - All things must be known to the Civil Authority. Report accurately and correctly.
  2. Record - All things must be known to the Civil Authority. Record accurately and correctly.
  3. Review - All things must be known to the Civil Authority. Review for accuracy and correctness.


The Bylaws of the Civil Authority

  1. Establishment and Empowerment
    1. The Ministry of Domestic Security, also known as The Civil Authority, is established to promote and support order and wellbeing in the Lands of Oz. As such, the members and agents of the Civil Authority are authorized to act in their official capacity in any Land of Oz
    2. Should the laws, bylaws or orders of the Civil Authority contradict a country, county or local law, the agents or members of the Civil Authority are empowered to amend or suspend any such law. Such amendments or suspensions must be submitted for review no later than 30 days after the initial conflict.
      1. If the agent or member is found to have acted improperly, they will be tried for Crimes Against the Civil Authority.
      2. If found guilty, the agent or member shall be punished with at the minimum a loss of rank and authority, but up to execution with their remains being turned into a construct.
  2. Orders
    1. The Emerald Civil Authority - Authorized to act within the Emerald City, to keep order and peace.
    2. Bureaucracy of Tax and Budget - Agents who specialize in managing the flow of the economy in the respective regions and municipalities.
    3. The Civil Authority - Tin Men who are assigned to each Country and County. Ranks include, but are not limited to Head Marshalls, Marshalls, and Patrolmen.
  3. Personal Powers and Privileges
    1. Each agent or member of the Authority is permitted to act as the official representative of the Authority.
    2. Each agent or member is authorized to request funds or resources from the Authority, though they will be required to submit a complete report explaining their actions.
    3. The government of each town, county and country is obliged to support the decisions and directions of their local member or agent.
    4. The life of each member or agent is of significant importance and value, to be protected at all costs. If threatened, the agent is authorized to take whatever steps are reasonable to secure their safety, up to and including executing the offender at that moment. If such an event happens in public and the threat is not imminent, the offender can be brought to trial.
      1. Such trials shall be presided over by the local member or agent of the authority of highest rank, provided they are not the offended party.
      2. If no member or agent is available to sit in judgment, the trial can be sent to the County Seat, the Emerald City, or a neutral third party can be appointed to sit as judge.
      3. Penalties include at least a fine and loss of any official position. If the offender is not a citizen, they will be denied citizenship for a period of no less than one year.
  4. Right of Review
    1. The Civil Authority retains the right to review any and all publications printed within Oz. This review is for accuracy, correctness and content.
    2. Anyone found to be publishing content not approved by the Authority can be fined or punished in other ways.
  5. Right to Privacy
    1. The Civil Authority may deem any document, information, person, or thing "private" and thus "secret". That which is deemed "private" may not be discussed in print, may not be discussed in the public arena, and should not be discussed in private.
    2. Individuals who discuss private matters in public shall be punished as deemed appropriate by the local agent or member of the authority.


Page last modified on Friday July 20, 2018 15:25:01 PDT